What this is all about.

Isn’t it about time for someone to stand up and say, “The emperor is not wearing any cloths? This my effort to keep it real. My posts are my opinions. It is how I see things. You are welcome to contribute. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'ts About Time

IT’S ABOUT TIME to recognize that government is not the answer; it’s the problem.

IT’S ABOUT TIME to understand that there is more than enough to go around. There is not scarcity: just a scarcity mentality.

IT'S ABOUT TIME to understand that you can’t tax a nation into prosperity.

IT'S ABOUT TIME to understand that “might does not make right.”

IT'S ABOUT TIME to understand that it is the individual that is important.  All groups are made us of unique individuals.

IT'S ABOUT TIME to understand we have inalienable rights given to us by God.  Governments have rights given to them by us.